19: 19. The Word Effect

Are you ready to create the life you have always wanted? If yes, I invite you to discover The Word Effect.

Several years ago I fell into the trap of negativity bias and spent most of my time focused on what wasn’t going well in life. I found myself feeling miserable, unsatisfied, discontent and I was waiting for my circumstances to change around me. What I know about the power of words today is to change how you feel starts with changing your thoughts—not your circumstances. This was my first step to discovering The Word Effect.

Before I discovered the power of my thoughts, my marriage relationship was suffering, my relationship with my kids was suffering, and my relationship with myself was suffering too. I wanted to fix it but did not know how until a prompting came to me, to change your words.

I didn’t know what that meant and wanted to wait until I understood what “change your words” meant before doing anything. I have found that waiting doesn’t work, the HOW is discovered in the doing. As I began to ask how instead of why, the power of words changed me. It didn’t happen overnight and I still work on it on a regular basis but my life is different! As I have changed my words, my story has changed. Today, I am creating the life I have always wanted to live and every relationship in my life has improved, even the one with myself.

Words matter! You can create the life you want with the power of words. The words we read, say, see, hear, matter. Recently while reading the book, “Promptings” by Kody Bateman, this message caught my attention. He shares, “I have learned that promptings will guide you to your genius within. I have learned that promptings are not to be analyzed; they are to be acted upon.” I realized that changing my story started with one prompting too. As I acted on the one prompting, others continued to come step by step.

This is how I have discovered The Word Effect. Once I stopped analyzing and started to do, I began to discover what it meant to change my words.

This is the HOW of The Word Effect. Once I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, I started to become willing to try things differently and it all started by acting on the prompting, “change your words.”

Over time 7 power words have come into my story that I believe are the creative process for becoming. It has worked for me and I want to share it with you too. Our stories are different but the power of words work the same in all of us. To change our story, we must start by changing our thoughts.

Here are the seven power words

Acknowledge, Ask, Acceptance, Abundance, Action, Appreciate, and Aspire

Over the next several episodes we will discuss each power word in detail.

You are welcome to join my private FB Group, Discover How Words Matter. http://www.facebook.com/groups/discoverhowwordsmatter/
Here you can find out more about the power of words!

As you discover The Word Effect in your life, you will begin to know how to ditch willpower and discover how to put on word power.

Do Words Matter? They do! If you are ready to create the life you have always wanted to live—The Word Effect is for you.

XO Becky

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Create the life you desire - one word at a time

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