21: 21. Ask–Power Word #2

The word ASK is one of the power words found in The Word Effect.

The definition of the word Ask is “to request something in order to obtain an answer or glean new information.

What are you ready to ask? What are you ready to obtain an answer to or get new information about? There are so many questions to be asked. I want to offer the idea that the power word ASK will be in all of our stories as we continue to walk forward. If we stop asking–we will stop progressing. Like the Danish Proverb says, “He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning.”

How do we stay curious & how do we continue to seek truth in the uncertainty of life? It starts by first acknowledging where we are and where we want to be and then we begin to ask questions. Asking questions helps us find solutions to the obstacles found in life.

Join me in this episode to discover the power found in the word ask. Words Matter, You can create the life you have always wanted with the power of words.

XO Becky

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